Trophy Hunting South Africa

Trophy animals that can be hunted in South Africa as well as in the countries of Zimbabwe and Namibia.

Most international hunters dream of Trophy Hunting in Africa. Though some safaris can be very costly, some options and packages offer an affordable way to pursue this ambition.

An abundance of antelope species can be hunted in South Africa, Namibia, and Zimbabwe. The vast wilderness areas where these animals occur are legendary and have been captured in the works of famous writers and artists. Trophy Hunting is well established in Southern Africa, and you can expect exceptional service and experiences that will never be forgotten. The choice of a package country or area can be tailored to your requirements based on the species you wish to trophy hunt and the terrain that favors your skill set.

Dangerous Game

A dangerous game safari in Africa is the ultimate Trophy Hunting adventure. The first hunters and explorers to the continent devised the Big 5 for the danger they posed to pursuers. Crocodiles and hippos round out the animals considered dangerous.


The formidable Cape (or African) buffalo is the most sought-after member of Africa's infamous Big Five. Imposing and unpredictable, hunting one of these behemoths is sure to be an exhilarating experience.

Plains Game

Hunting for trophy plains game offers the international hunter an affordable way of enjoying a safari in Africa. The diversity of species, varied terrain, and the general excitement surrounding the adventure make it a memorable experience.

A black wildebeest hunted in the Free State.

Black Wildebeest

The black wildebeest (or white-tailed gnu) is considerably rarer than his blue cousin and occurs naturally only in South Africa. Black wildebeest hunts take place on the rolling open plains of the Free State or Eastern Cape Province.

The endemic blesbok hunted in South Africa's Free State.

Blesbok - Common

The common blesbok is endemic to South Africa and is one of the country's most popular plains game species to pursue. While they can be hunted in most areas, they're plentiful on the plains of the Free State.

A hunter with his white blesbok trophy.

Blesbok - White

The white blesbok is pale due to a gene mutation, making it a 'morph' species rather than a subspecies. You'll find it in the same areas as the common blesbok, and the same rules apply.

A huntress with her blue wildebeest trophy.

Blue Wildebeest

The bizarre-looking blue wildebeest makes for a fantastic addition to any trophy collection. The 'poor man's buffalo' is also inherently associated with the African continent and offers a rewarding hunting experience.

A huntress with her professional hunter and bontebok trophy.


The uniquely colorful bontebok was once nearly wiped out in South Africa. With substantial numbers now thriving on game farms and in national parks, this handsome plains game animal makes for a striking trophy.

A fine bushbuck trophy hunted in Southern Africa.


The handsome bushbuck can make for a surprisingly aggressive and elusive quarry. You'll usually pursue the smallest member of the spiral-horned antelope family in the dense riverine forest or where he hides in thickets.

A pair of hunters with a common reedbuck trophy.

Common Reedbuck

The common reedbuck is usually hunted in areas with floodplains, like the Eastern Cape and the eastern Free State. This stately plains game species is very fond of water and often encountered near waterholes.

A successful grey duiker hunt in South Africa.

Duiker - Grey (Common)

The grey or common duiker is a shy, small species of antelope usually encountered on his own. The solitary antelope is mostly active in the late afternoon and early evening when he ventures out to browse.

A red duiker hunt in Southern Africa.

Duiker - Red

This attractive mini-antelope species clocks somewhere in size between its blue and grey cousins. You'll pursue the secretive red duiker in dense forests, coastal brush, or mountain slopes with thick brush.

An impressive eland trophy taken on a South African hunting safari.

Eland (Cape)

The Cape eland is the largest of Southern Africa's antelope species. This ox-like animal is an impressive addition to any trophy collection, occasionally weighing over 2000 pounds.

A Livingstone eland encountered in the bushveld.

Eland (Livingstone)

The Livingstone eland is similarly impressive to his Cape cousin, with white stripes across his back and impressive horns. The Livingstone eland is usually hunted in Zimbabwe or the Caprivi in Namibia.

A hunter presents his fallow deer for photograph.

Fallow Deer

This European import can also be hunted in South Africa. Exclusively a grazer, the fallow deer adapts easily to most habitats and can be pursued in various hunting areas, from the mountainous to open plains.

A fine gemsbok trophy hunted in South Africa's Kalahari.


The stately gemsbok is synonymous with the Kalahari Desert and is known for its remarkable ability to adapt to harsh, arid environments. Its masked face and striking spear-like horns make it a spectacular trophy animal.

A grey rhebuck hunt in the Eastern Cape.

Grey Rhebuck

The grey rhebuck is usually pursued by serious hunters looking for something unique to add to their collection. He prefers mountainous areas, and his straight, upright horns distinguish him from the similar-looking reedbuck.

An impala hunted in the evening.


The Impala is the South African hunter's bread-and-butter and a great introduction to hunting in the African bushveld. They occur in abundance across the country and make for excellent game meat.

A klipspringer trophy is presented for a photograph.


The klipspringer is an attractive little antelope aptly named for its rather riveting ability to 'spring' from rock to rock. You'll typically pursue the klipspringer in areas with rocky or mountainous terrain.

A proud hunter sits alongside his kudu trophy.


The greater kudu is a large antelope species sought-after by local and international hunters alike. Its spectacular spiral horns and handsome 'body paint' make it an incomparably special trophy.

A hunter crouches down next to his red lechwe trophy.

Lechwe - Red

The red lechwe is one of the more unique antelope species available for hunting. Though usually found on the floodplains of Botswana and northern Namibia, ranching has made it available for pursuit in South Africa.

A mountain reedbuck hunted in the early evening.

Mountain Reedbuck

The mountain reedbuck offers a very challenging yet rewarding hunting experience. Some climbing and a keen eye are required, as they rarely come out into the open. The Eastern Cape is prime mountain reedbuck territory.

A hunter smiles with his profesional hunter and nyala trophy.


The nyala is more elusive than its spiral-horned cousin, the kudu, which will require patience and grit from its pursuer. Once you have him, however, he'll likely be the most beautiful trophy in your collection.

A professional hunter positions his clients' oribi trophy for a photograph.


The little oribi is slightly larger than the steenbok but far less common. It's typically only on the lists of the most serious African trophy hunters looking to augment their collection with something special.

A red hartebeest trophy is propped up for a photo with a huntress.

Red Hartebeest

The unique-looking red hartebeest is known as the 'Harley-Davidson' amongst hunters due to the strange shape of its horns and elongated face. The red hartebeest is a startlingly swift - but perhaps fatally inquisitive - antelope.

A late afternoon roan antelope hunt.

Roan Antelope

Second in size only to the eland, the roan antelope is a rare and much-desired trophy animal that is now more widespread due to ranching. You'll find roan in open, grassy areas ideal for grazing.

A sable antelope hunt in Zimbabwe.

Sable Antelope

The sable antelope is striking because of its stark black and white coloring and stunning backward-curving horns. He makes for an aggressive quarry but a trophy that may just become your favorite in your collection.

A proud hunter with his unique black springbok trophy.

Springbok - Black

The unique-looking black springbok is a 'morph' species of the common springbok, appearing darker due to a gene mutation. You'll find him on the same open plains and arid areas as his 'common' cousin.

A huntress smiles with her springbok trophy.

Springbok - Common

The sprightly springbok is South Africa's national animal and high on the list for many avid plains game hunters. It occurs commonly on game farms in the eastern Free State, where the land is grassy and open.

A white springbok trophy hunted in South Africa.

Springbok - White

The white springbok offers an exciting color variation on the common springbok - an attractive and truly unique addition to the trophy room. He is pursued in the same manner and areas as the common springbok.

A steenbok trophy is presented for a photograph.


The tiny steenbok is a sought-after member of the 'Little Five' antelope species and makes a great full mount trophy. They are highly cautious with keen senses - and you'll need to be light on your feet during the hunt.

A fine tsessebe specimen hunted in Southern Africa.


The tsessebe is one of the continent's fastest antelopes and decidedly strange-looking. Despite his speed, he is also curious - his moment of hesitation before taking flight is the perfect moment to take your shot.

A pair of hunters smile with their waterbuck trophy.


The waterbuck makes for a stunning trophy with his luxurious shaggy coat, white-circled rump, and forward-facing horns. You'll never hunt this large antelope species far from a water source or floodplain.

Other Animals

Hunting for trophy plains game offers the international hunter an affordable way of enjoying a safari in Africa. The diversity of species, varied terrain, and the general excitement surrounding the adventure make it a memorable experience.

An evening bushpig hunt.

Bush Pig

Hunting the bush pig is akin to pursuing the European wild boar. Bad-tempered and hostile, the bush pig is typically hunted after dark when he is most active. Be wary of his short (but razor-sharp) tusks.

A hunter shows off his caracal trophy.


Caracals are often hunted with dogs in the Eastern Cape or from a blind, making for a unique and exciting nocturnal pursuit. This shy, lynx-like cat has a beautiful pelt and makes for a handsome full-mount trophy or skin.

A giraffe hunted on a safari in South Africa.


The world's tallest land mammal makes for a unique hunting experience and an awe-inspiring trophy of which you'll be indelibly proud. The giraffe's keen senses and formidable legs augment an already-challenging hunt.

An opportunistic jackal hunt.


The black-backed jackal is a coyote-like animal that is both an accomplished predator and a prolific scavenger. Jackals are usually hunted opportunistically while tracking or pursuing other animals.

An ostrich trophy is held up for a celebratory photograph.


Ostriches make for one-of-a-kind trophies. The world's most giant bird might be flightless, but he is incredibly swift on his long legs. Ostriches are usually hunted on open plains, like in the Free State or Kalahari.

An impressive warthog trophy hunted in South Africa.


Warthogs are very popular amongst hunters and are typically pursued in the Lowveld and Bushveld regions. Its razor-sharp upper tusks are considered for trophy assessment, and these weapons make him formidable in the field.

Twin zebra trophies are posed for a photograph with their two hunters.

Zebra - Burchell's

The common or Burchell's zebra is another popular plains game pursuit. You'll find him in the grasslands or wooded savanna. Males and females are often difficult to distinguish - rely on your PH to be sure.

A mountain zebra in the grasslands of the Eastern Cape.

Zebra - Mountain

The mountain zebra is Burchell's less common cousin. It is distinguished by its lack of shadow stripes and bare white bellies. He is most commonly pursued in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa and neighboring Namibia.